The five sheaths36 should vibrate harmoniously. Then only you will have good health and a
sound mind. Disease is nothing but disharmony in the vibrations of the human body. Asanas,
Pranayama, recitation of the Names of the Lord, singing hymns and prayer, study of philosophical books will produce harmonious vibrations in the physical, vital, mental, intellectual and blissful sheaths respectively. Then only you can practice meditation nicely.
Colours have vibrations. Some colours are soothing and pleasing, while others are very
annoying and irritating. Green colour is very pleasing. Colours that irritate clash in vibrations with those of the receptive subject. The vibrations set up by the pronunciation of the monosyllable OM are so powerful that they would bring the strongest building to the ground, if the pronunciation is persistently repeated in the right way.A note on the violin, if sounded repeatedly in rhythm, will generate vibrations which will in time destroy a bridge. The vibrations caused by the rhythmic movements of the soldiers on a bridge may bring down the bridge. A Yogi practices rhythmic breathing to absorb Prana and develop will. His whole system vibrates harmoniously. There is perfect harmony in the vibrations of his mind. Through rhythmic breathing he transmits an increased current of Prana or nerve-force to any part of the body for stimulating and invigorating it. He renovates and vivifies the whole system and heals any diseased part by supplying an increased quantity of Prana. He transmits powerful thoughts to others to heal them of their disease and attracts countless persons like a powerful magnet. He
becomes a mighty centre of spiritual force.