How Greed Arises

When you come into contact with objects the mind conceptualises and says to you: ‘is is good , useful, harmless, you can’t do without it, just this once’. Gives you all the positive qualities.at’s when lobha arises. at’s the cause of lobha. If we just observe the ‘seeing’ process then lobha will not arise.Lobha (greed) can not differentiate between want and need. Dosa (anger) cannot differentiate between right and wrong. ese mind states are already in moha (delusion) and cannot know what is appropriate or not and cannot see causes and effects.Kilesa is not mature. But if you can see your mind feeling lobha, dosa, comparing itself to this or that, then this mind that is aware is more mature, it has sati, it is knowing, it is not blind.Defilements are not simple, and they don’t let you be simple. ey confuse you (they are of a confusing, deluding nature) they delay you on the path, distract you and push you out of the right way.In ActionWhen you start practising, it takes U Tejaniya a very short timeto find where you are in your own practice, whatever that practice might be, and guide you very skilfully to start watching your mind (consciousness).So assuming that you can look into your mind, Cittanupassana starts with observing the characteristics of the consciousness; if you recognise the work they do, that is their characteristic.You are aware of some object and the mind that is aware of that object. You know this mind as the noting mind or consciousness or citta.en another consciousness-citta arises which is aware-watches over the first one which is aware of object and arises with the object and because of the object. It knows what this first one is doing, knows its ‘whereabouts’ object and behaviour.is consciousness is called watching mind, or one step up mind.Once an object hits the field of awareness the noting mind is automatically there. e watching mind is watching-knowing what the noting mind is doing-experiencing.Don’t try to make your meditation experience better but be with whatever is happening completely.at’s the most important aspect of meditationVery important: to live in the present moment.Every moment is a moment of meditation.When sitting, look at the defilement that tells you to move. It’s like a demanding child underestimating your wisdom. Look at it. Ask: Why?Look at all these perfect reasons that it gives you. Don’t take it for real, just keep looking at it. en if you have to move, move. ere’s no rule that says not to move.Try to see the ending of the noting mind. It happens very suddenly; like a snap of the fingers.Don’t get attached to happiness, to peace, to comfort, in sitting meditation. Keep your mind balanced all the time. Fly free.You don’t think, do I like this or do I not like this, but think should I do this or should I not do this.Watch out for that liking mind!Don’t try to stop others disturbing you, it is impossible!Personality is more like an idea in the mind, a thought. Which way are you going to go concept or reality?e frowning face shows the state which the mind is into (especially in sitting).Judging and “‘I’-ness” go together. When you find you are self-judging you are caught in identification.‘Blank’ Options— Stay with the consciousness that knows of the consciousness which is aware of that blankness.— Be aware of that neutrality as feeling.— Don’t stay with the blankness, go back to rising and falling.When there is ‘blank’ as you watch your mind, don’t take it as ‘practice gone wrong’. Blankness is object.Also your reaction to it, the mental state that arises because of it: ‘No object, what do I do now’? It is a very obvious object, don’t miss it.
from - Contemplation of the Mind