Yellow denotes intellectuality. It is a good colour. When the intellect runs into low channels, the yellow is deep and dull. When it is directed towards higher things, it becomes brilliantly golden or prim-rose yellow. Blue when dark and clear denotes religious feeling. When the blue amounts to a rich violet,
it represents highest religious thought and feeling. Blue when light and luminous represents spirituality. White when pure and effulgent represents the Spirit or Brahman or GOD. Dear friend! Surround yourself with harmonious vibrations within and without. Regular meditation will help you in attaining this end. Carry with you wherever you may go, vibrations of power, strength, joy, bliss, peace, kindness, love, mercy and sympathy. Absorb all good vibrations. Dispel all discordant vibrations. Learn to absorb the vibrations of great sages of yore which are floating in the ethereal space. Be in tune with the vibrations of the living liberated sages. They will all back you up. May the vibrations of peace and joy flow through your eyes, face, tongue, hands, feet and skin! May whoever comes in contact with you feel this! May the Eternal, Immortal Spirit guide you in your attainment of Self-realisation by developing harmonious vibrations! Om Peace!
Peace! Peace!
Human aura has different colours in different people according to their growth and
development physically, mentally, morally and spiritually, and each colour has got its own meaning
and significance. The meanings of some of these colours are set below:
Scarlet represents anger.
Crimson represents love.
Rose represents love.
Black denotes hatred and malice.
Red on a black background indicates anger.
Red on a green background shows jealousy.
Red independent of a background denotes “righteous indignation.”
Lurid Sanguinary Red indicates sensuality.
Grey represents selfishness when the colour is bright.
Grey represents fear when its shade is like a dead body.
Green denotes jealousy when the colour is dirty.
Red Flashes on a green background signifies anger mingled with jealousy.
Slimy Green signifies deceit and cunning.
Green when bright indicates tolerance, tact, adaptability, politeness and intelligence.
Orange when bright denotes pride and ambition.
This is the way to develop a protecting auric shell: Sit at ease. Retain the breath for a half or one minute. Imagine that you are surrounded by a shell of thought-aura to a distance of 2 or 3 feet from the body on all sides. Form a clear mental image. Repeat this process 10 to 15 times. Repeat OM mentally, when you retain the breath. The spiritual aura is of yellow. It centres round the heads of Saints, Sages, Rishis, Prophets, and Yogins. This can sometimes be seen by ordinary persons with naked eyes, when the saint stands on the pulpit to preach. The yellow glow is intensified, when the intellectual faculties are put to an unusual strain. The face of the saint will present a glowing appearance. This is the nimbus or glory of a saint. This is the halo shown in pictures of spiritual leaders. The magnetic spiritual aura of Lord Buddha extended to a distance of 3miles all around. Those who came within the compass of 3 miles were subdued. They became his disciples. The magnetic divine aura of Yogi Kaka Bhusunda radiated to a distance of eight miles! The spiritual aura of even a first-class aspirant radiates to a
distance of 400 yards. You can also develop this spiritual aura by regular and continued practice of meditation with zeal and persistence.
Jalandhara bandha
Jalandhara bandha
Jalandhara bandha is the water pipe lock. It binds the network of subtle energy channels. Engaging Jalandhara bandha is useful for alleviating diseases of the throat. It also improves the quantum of prana in the thoracic region. By pressing the chin to the chest, prana is captured, preventing it from escaping the upper body. Many major nerve fibers pass through the neck; when jalandhara bandha is performed it exerts pressure on them and the flow of nervous impulses to the brain is restricted. These impulses collect in the cervical plexus, and when the bandha is released they flood into the brain. The force of these impulses helps to activate higher centers in the brain, those that function with creativity and intellect.
Practice : Jalandhara bandha
1. Sit comfortably in siddhasana or padmasana (illustration p.13). Place the palms of the hands on the knees and allow the whole body to relax. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose and retain the breath. Lower the chin so that it touches the collarbone. At the same time, straighten the elbows and raise the shoulders. Hold the breath and the position for as long as comfortable. Then release jalandhara bandha by slowly raising the head and relaxing the shoulders. Exhale in a very slow, controlled manner. Practice five rounds, breathing normally for a few minutes between each round. Then practice five rounds with external retention (exhale and hold).
2. Visualize the throat as a net that captures the breath as it comes up.
3. Notice when the chin is tucked how easy it is to see your navel.
4. Pay attention to the opening of your throat while simultaneously locking the chin.
5. Link all the bandhas and follow the flow of breath unobstructed while maintaining the locks in the body. Notice any change in energy level or effects on your thoughts.
From : ashtanga yoga manual
Cleansing and purification :: Meltdown
Nauli kriyas
If you look around you, you’ll notice what happens as we get
older. The middle of the body begins to lose shape and collapse.
Gravity is pulling us downward. Unless we are practicing some
type of opposing technique, the whole solar plexus area, a major
nerve center of the body, will become squashed. Not to mention
the toxins that get trapped, the poor digestion that results, and the
lack of oxygen to the abdominal region. Naulis, in conjunction
with the bandhas, bring everything upward, inviting vitality back
into the middle of the body. These techniques keep the gastro-intestinal or alimentary system balanced and functioning smoothly. Naulis massage the internal organs, acting as an internal cleansing technique. Keeping you pure and clean, naulis remove sluggishness of the stomach, intestines, and liver, bringing back upward the evercaving-in abdominal
region which is crushing and suffocating internal organs as gravity
pulls us down. Don’t let the fire go out. Keep the channels of the body pure and
open the pathway for the oxygen to keep feeding the fire. It’s best
to practice on an empty stomach in the morning.
from : ashtanga yoga manual